What are the types of agricultural nitrogen fertilizer
It's important to choose fertilizer for soil and crops There are many types of nitrogen fertilizers, including compound fertilizers processed through the NPK fertilizer production line , so you may want to know which one to use. The key of agricultural fertilization is to choose suitable fertilizer for soil conditions and crops, and determine when to apply fertilizer. In order to avoid over fertilization and malnutrition, please pay attention to the application amount of fertilizer. In agricultural production, soil condition is easily affected by climate and other factors, so it is not easy to carry out according to plan. However, it is important to understand and respond to daily situations. 1. Ammonium sulphate Ammonium sulfate is a simple fertilizer containing only nitrogen. It is suitable for novices because it is relatively cheap and can maintain the effect for about a month after application. It is an easy-to-replenish fertilizer for nitrogen and protein synthesis bec...